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On-Demand Webinars

Templatizing Advanced ML-based Process Data Analytics (Industry: Oil & Gas)

Learn How to Leverage Python modules for Advanced Analytics, How to Codify ML Algorithms for Descriptive Analytics, and How to deploy Python/Jupyter Notebook with Analytics Solutions

How to Scale your Data Analytics Strategies

Learn the evaluation criteria metrics, levels of analytics, data science methods & solutions, scale-up strategy for successful implementation of ‘Data Science & Analytics’ initiative.

The Advanced Analytics Techniques – What. Why. How

Learn How to Build intelligence for Operation through Soft Sensors, Create Connected Analytics for System-level KPI’s, Practical Workflow & implementation of Digital Twin

How to Extract Value out of ML in the Process Industry

Learn How to start creating Value out of manufacturing data by defining the (achievable) problem statement and objectives. How to select right ML methods & workflows, Which techniques to apply and build (practical) solution.

How to Achieve Operational Excellence through Visual Analytics (ML Model Deployment. Visual Analytics. ROA)

Learn How to Extract Value out of Process Data, Deploy Machine Learning Models, and Achieve Operational Excellence through advanced visualization of your Process Data.

Reducing the Downtime by Managing Your Assets Better!

In this e-Meet, our experts will be discussing the problems that are relevant to the industry with the help of case studies. They will also be suggesting the state-of-the-art solutions of Industry-4.0 in order to address these issues sustainably!

Driving Profits through Sustainability Part:1-Energy

In this webinar, we demonstrate with the help of case studies, how the power of Process Simulations and Data Analytics could be harnessed to arrive at the cost effective and profit making solutions. The problems chosen are common and most relevant to the Chemical Process Industry, and the solutions are simple and equally implementable.

Driving Profits through Sustainability: Part-2: Advanced Process Control

In the present webinar, we discuss the interesting area of advanced process control, and its importance in ensuring that you achieve the maximum out of your running plant. Here, we discuss a few case studies that are the best representatives of the chemical industry. We demonstrate the applications of APC in order to achieve various process objectives, such as maximum yield, safety or optimization of assets.